Ph. D in Agronomic Sciences (ETSIA-Universidad Politécnica de Madrid 2009).
Authorized educator Faculty of Agronomy (UBA 2016).
Current positions
Lecturer, Faculty of Agronomy - UBA.
Adjunct Scientist, CONICET.
Research interests
Biocontrol of phytopathogens.
Plant-bacteria interaction.
Bacterial secondary metabolites.
Publications in refereed journals (last 5 years)
Alvarez, F.; Simonetti, E.; Draghi, W.; Vinacour, M.; Palumbo, M., Fernández Do Porto, D., Montecchia, M.; Roberts, I.; Ruiz, J.A. (2022). Genome mining of Burkholderia ambifaria strain T16, a rhizobacterium able to produce antimicrobial compounds and degrade the mycotoxin fusaric acid. World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology 34: 114.
Simonetti, E.; Alvarez, F.; Feldman, N.; Vinacour, M.; Roberts, I.N.; Ruiz, J.A. (2021). Genomic insights into the potent antifungal activity of B. ambifaria T16. Biological Control 155.
Grad Students
Co-advisor doctoral grant 2017-present CONICET.
Management of research projects (last 5 years)
PIP 112202101-00381CO. Title: Identification and evaluation of bioactive secondary metabolites produced by Burkholderia strains (2022-2024) Role: Director.
PICT-2020-SERIEA-00286. Title: Identification and characterization of bioactive secondary metabolites from Burkholderia strains (2022-2025). Role: Director.