PhD. Buenos Aires University. Biological Chemistry Department. School of Exact and Natural Sciences.
Biologist. Buenos Aires University. School of Exact and Natural Sciences.
Current positions
Associate researcher from the National Research Council (CONICET). Argentina.
Teaching Instructor. Agricultural Microbiology. School of Agriculture. Buenos Aires University. Argentina.
Teaching Instructor. Microbiology Area. Biological Chemistry Department. School of Exact and Natural Sciences. Buenos Aires University. Argentina.
Research interests
Molecular microbiology.
Soil microbiology.
Plant growth-promoting bacteria.
Bacterial Genetics.
Gene regulation.
Bacterial adaptation mechanism to the environment.
Antifungal metabolites.
Publications in refereed journals (last 5 years)
Vinacour, M., Moiana, M., Forné, I., Jung, K., Bertea, M., Calero Valdayo, P., Nikel, P.I., Imhof, A., Palumbo, M., Fernández Do Porto, D., Ruiz, JA. (2023). Genetic dissection of the degradation pathways for the mycotoxin fusaric acid in Burkholderia ambifaria T16. Applied and Environmental Microbiology. In press.
Simonetti, E., Alvarez, F., Feldman, N., Vinacour, M., Roberts, I.N., Ruiz, J.A. (2021). Genomic insights into the potent antifungal activity of B. ambifaria T16. Biological Control. 155. 104530.
Díaz Peña, R., Alvarez, D., Egoburo, D., Ruiz, J., Pettinari, M.J. (2020). Genomic and metabolic insights into solvent production by Thermoanaerobacterium thermosaccharolyticum GSU5. Biofuel Research Journal 26: 1149-1158. DOI: 10.18331/BRJ2020.7.2.3.
Grad Students
Current number of PhD. students: 1.
Management of research projects (last 5 years)
2022-2025. Research Grant. National Agency for Scientific and Technological Promotion. Argentina. PICT-2020-SERIEA-02598.
Title of the project: “Catabolism of fusaric acid: Identification and characterization of genes and enzymes involved”.
2020-2024. Research Group Linkage Programme. Alexander von Humboldt Foundation. Germany.
Title of the project: “Unraveling the fusaric acid degradation mechanisms in Burkholderia ambifaria T16”.
2019-2022. Research Grant. National Research Council (CONICET). Argentina. PIP 11220170100307CO.
Title of the project: “Genetic, metabolic and physiological studies of the tolerance and degradation of fusaric acid in Burkholderia ambifaria”.
2018-2021. Research Grant. National Agency for Scientific and Technological Promotion. Argentina. PICT-2017-1500.
Title of the project: “Genetic, metabolic and physiological studies of the tolerance and degradation of fusaric acid in Burkholderia ambifaria T16”.