Fernández, P.L.; Behrends Kraemer, F.; Sabatté, L.; Guiroy, J.; Gutierrez Boem, F. (2022). Effects of superabsorbent hydrogel on hydrophysical soil properties and plant biomass in sandy loam texture. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis. 53: 2892-2906.
Behrends Kraemer, F.; Sainz, D.; Morras, H., Carfagno, P., Eiza, M., Fernández, P.L., Chagas, C. (2022). Soil structure and glyphosate fate under no-till management in the Pampa region. I. structural anisotropy and hydro-physical behavior. Soil and Tillage. 221. 105410.
Morrás, H.; Behrends Kraemer, F.; Sainz, D.; Fernández, P.L.; Chagas, C. (2022). Soil structure and glyphosate fate under no-till management in the Pampa region. II. Glyphosate and AMPA persistence and spatial distribution in the long-term. A conceptual model. Soil and Tillage Research. 223. 105471.
Behrends Kraemer F., Morras, H.J.M., Fernandez, P.L., Duval M., Galantini J., Garibaldi, L. (2021). Influence of edaphic and management factors on soils aggregates stability under no-tillage in Mollisols and Vertisols of the Pampa Region, Argentina. Soil and Tillage Research 209, 104901.
Behrends Kraemer, F., Castiglioni, M., Morrás, H., Fernández, P.L., Álvarez, C. (2021). Pore size distribution and pore volume density parameters in different cropping intensity managements in Mollisols and Vertisols under no-tillage. Geoderma. 405. 115398.
Fernández, P.L; Alvarez C.R.; Behrends Kraemer, F.; Morrás, H.J.M.; Scheiner, J.; Boivin, P.; Taboada, M.A. (2020). Soil shrinkage curves and micromorphology: changes in physical parameters of Pampean soils under different management in Argentina. Ciencia del Suelo. Ciencia del Suelo. 38: 29-44.
Grad Students
Magister: 1 (director – she), 1 (consejera).
PhD or Magister: 2 (codirector-she Magister) y 1 (codirector-she PhD).
Management of research projects (last 5 years)
UBACYT (2020-2022) 20020190200392BA.: Enfoques biomiméticos en la evaluación de la estructura del suelo en sistemas agropecuarios con gradientes de intensificación ecológica. Función: directora.
UBACYT (2020-2022) 20020190200303BA: Efecto del diseño y manejo de agroecosistemas pampeanos (Argentina) sobre la comunidad de fitopatógenos de trigo y tomate Función: codirectora.