Ms. in Biological Sciences. Faculty of Exact and Natural Sciences, University of Buenos Aires, Argentina.
PhD in Biological Sciences. Faculty of Exact and Natural Sciences, University of Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Current positions
Associate Researcher of the Argentina National Scientific and Technical Research Council (CONICET).
Research interests
Chemical Ecology.
Plant-insect interactions, bees, hawkmoths.
Publications in refereed journals (last 5 years)
Balbuena, M.S.; Buchmann, S.; Papaj, D.; Raguso, R.A. (2023) Organ-specific volatiles form Sonoran Desert Krameria flowers as potential signals for oil-collecting bees. Phytochemistry. In press.
Grüter, C.; Balbuena, M.S.; Valadares, L. (2023) Mechanisms and adaptations that shape division of labour in stingless bees. Current Opinion in Insect Science.
Farina, W.M.; Palottini, F.; Estravis-Barcala, M.C.; Arenas, A.; Balbuena, M.S.; González, A. (2023) Conditioning honeybees to a specific mimic odor increases foraging activity on a self-compatible almond variety. Apidologie, doi: 10.1007/s13592-023-01019-7.
Balbuena, M.S.; Broadhead, G.T.; Dahake, A.; Barnett, E.; Vergara, M.; Skogen, K.A.; Jogesh, T.; Raguso, R.A. (2022) Mutualism has its limits: consequences of asymmetric interactions between a well-defended plant and its herbivorous pollinator. Phil. Trans. R. Soc. B 377: 20210166, doi:10.1098/rstb.2021.0166.
Balbuena, M.S.*; Farina, W.M. (2020) Chemosensory reception in the stingless bee Tetragonisca angustula. Journal of Insect Physiology, 125: 104076, (*corresponding author).
Vázquez, D.E.*; Balbuena, M.S.*; Chaves, F.; Gora, J.; Menzel, R; Farina, W.M. (2020) The herbicide glyphosate affects wake/rest behavior of the honey bee. Scientific Reports, 10:10516, (*first authors).
Farina, W.M.; Balbuena, M.S.; Herbert, L.T.; Mengoni Goñalons, C.; Vázquez, D.E. (2019) Effects of the herbicide glyphosate on honey bee sensory and cognitive abilities: individual impairments with implications for the hive. Insects, 10 (354), DOI: 10.3390/insects10100354. Review article.
Menzel, R.; Tison, L.; Fischer-Nakai, J.; Cheeseman, J.; Balbuena, M.S.; Chen, X.; Landgraf, T.; Petrasch, J.; Polster, J.; Greggers, U. (2019) Guidance of navigating honeybees by learned elongated ground structures. Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience, doi: 10.3389/fnbeh.2018.00322.
Management of research projects (last 5 years)
“Ecología química de abejas polinizadoras nativas de interés económico y ecológico. Olores que median la interacción intra e interespecífica de especies sociales y solitaria” (PICT-2020-SERIEA-02055). Investigadora Responsable.